




    I'm Valeria Kraegeloh.

    Executieve & Leadership Coach | Consultant | Facilitator

  • Hello & Welcome!

    In the realm of coaching excellence, it's vital to connect with one whose energy resonates with yours. At KC&C, we specialize in empowering corporate leaders and business owners to forge their unique paths to success. Through Core Energy Coaching™ methodology we delve deep into your energetic presence, catalyzing transformations that fuel passions and drive remarkable results. Whether through one-on-one executive coaching sessions, individual consultations, or group workshops focusing on employee and leadership enhancement, if you're prepared to conquer new heights, your inner compass has led you here.

  • Tangible Results of Coaching

    Metrix Global Study reported that more then 30% of all fortune 500 companies utilise coaching as part of standard leadership development. Companies reported that an average ROI of each $1 spent for coaching is $7.90. It's based on such factors as increase of individual performance, communication improvement, higher job satisfaction and employee retention.